
查克Bogosta, 81年


查克Bogosta is executive vice president of UPMC, a $12 billion non-profit company and the State of Pennsylvania’s largest employer, and president of UPMC’s 国际 and Commercial 服务 Division, for which he oversees UPMC’s international and commercial business efforts. This includes a leading transplant hospital in Palermo, 意大利, the creation of a new biomedical research center in Sicily, a private hospital and cancer treatment centers in Ireland, a transplant center in Singapore, a comprehensive cancer center in Kazakhstan, a reference laboratory in India, and second-opinion pathology services in China. 他还负责监督UPMC的本土咨询服务小组,该小组为政府和大型医疗保健组织提供肿瘤学发展方面的建议, 儿科, Telemedicine and Information Technology initiatives. His team is also spearheading efforts to create and manage innovative, for-profit businesses that leverage UPMC’s medical and technological expertise. The businesses range from digital pathology services, to natural language processing technology, to a clinical pathways company, to an investment in a network of dialysis centers.

Chuck is also president of UPMC Cancer Center, a partner with the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. UPMC癌症中心是NCI指定的全球最大的综合性癌症中心. 在这个角色中, Chuck is responsible for the strategic, 国内外所有癌症相关临床活动的运营和财务活动. 他持有SUNY Oneonta的商业经济学学士学位和Bowling Green State University的教育管理硕士学位. He and his wife reside in Gibsonia, Pennsylvania.  他们有四个孩子.

约翰Damonti, 1982年

约翰Damonti约翰Damonti是百时美施贵宝基金会的总裁,也是百时美施贵宝公司的企业社会责任副总裁, a global bio-pharmaceutical company.

John has more than 25 years of experience working in the areas of health policy, government affairs and philanthropy. 他在博天堂官方网站(Bowling Green State University)完成了心理学学士学位,并于1985年在福特汉姆大学(Fordham University)获得了社会工作硕士学位. In 2007, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree from Fordham University.

约翰的职业生涯始于纽约互助银行的捐款和社区关系经理. 在1991年加入百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)之前,他还担任Primerica Foundation(现为花旗集团(Citigroup)的一部分)的董事, 曾任汽巴盖基公司(现为诺华公司)州政府关系总监.)

基金会的使命是寻求创新方法,通过加强社区保健工作者的能力来促进保健公平, medical care and community-based supportive services, and by mobilizing communities to fight disease. 要做到这一点, the Foundation actively engages a wide range of partners to develop, 执行, evaluate and promote strategic and innovative programs to improve the health outcomes of populations disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer in Africa; Hepatitis B and C in China and India; the mental health and wellbeing of returning United States veterans and their families; Type 2 Diabetes in the U.S.; cancer nursing in Central and Eastern Europe; and a new initiative focused on community-based care models for lung cancer in the Tobacco Belt of the United States.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, John is a member of the Boards of the New York Academy of Medicine, 不再有疟疾, and Family Care 国际. 他也是布什博天堂官方网站所粉红丝带红丝带倡议指导委员会和广告委员会公共问题委员会的成员.

约翰和他的妻子芭芭拉·亚斯汀以及他们的双胞胎女儿杰米和萨曼莎住在纽约和斯托克顿, 新泽西.

艾丽西亚Fernandez-Mott ‘82

艾丽西亚Fernandez-Mott艾丽西亚Fernandez-Mott is former chief, Division of Seasonal Farmworker 项目, 博天堂官方网站 and Training Administration for the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington D.C.  From 1991 until her retirement in 2006, 她负责管理全国各地的农民工博天堂官方网站培训项目,并制定和监督州政府的绩效标准和资金财务管理, non-profit organizations and educational institutions.

此外,在2003年,艾丽西亚被要求在美国联邦调查局的达拉斯地区办事处工作.S. 担任劳工部主任,自由裁量项目办公室主任,系统支持主任. 2009-10年,她作为团队领导和主要技术顾问回到美国劳工部美国复苏和再投资法案的所有受助人, specifically addressing regulatory and reporting requirements. 在加入劳工部之前,Alicia是Rural Opportunities, 公司 .的董事., 一个为农场工人和其他经济上处于不利地位的青年和成年人提供培训和服务的全国性组织.

她出生在一个外出务农的八口之家,由单亲抚养长大. 艾丽西亚一年级时只会说西班牙语,当时德州的学校只讲英语. 作为青少年, 作为一名农业农民工,她走遍了全国,只读完了十年级就不得不辍学.

她在30岁时获得了普通同等学历文凭,并进入博天堂官方网站就读. Attending as time and money permitted, 1982年,她38岁时获得工商管理学士学位. During her junior and senior years, she was honored to receive a full academic scholarship from Marathon Oil Company.


加里·科瓦奇加里·科瓦奇 began his financial services career in 1970 with Fidelity Union Life. 他在这个领域的导师是比尔·维奥莱特64岁,他是他的哥哥,他的哥哥吉姆·维奥莱特69岁. He was inducted into the Fidelity Union Life’s 名人堂 in 1977.

Gary随后于1972年成立了Financial Planning 服务,并一直运营到1994年. He merged the company in 1994 when he became a principal with Harris, Webb, & 驻军(HWG), 一家为德克萨斯州和西南地区提供全方位服务的区域性证券和投资银行公司. In 1998, HWG was acquired and merged with TEI, 公司. 与另外两家类似的公司一起成立了Pinnacle Global Group, 公司 ..

另外, Gary是Izzo 's Illegal Burrito的联合创始人,这家餐厅于2001年在路易斯安那州立大学北门开了第一家店. Together with his partner Ozzie Fernandez, they have expanded their operation throughout Louisiana and Mississippi, 共有18个单位. 他们的概念不断扩大,他们被称为路易斯安那州的卷饼之王.

Gary also served as mayor, 2000年至2004年担任猎人溪村市财务主管和市议员,目前担任瑞银金融服务公司财富管理高级副总裁, 公司. 在德克萨斯州的休斯顿.

加里在特种部队服役后,在越南服役了21个月,成为了BGSU的一名学生. 作为一名学生, he was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, 为BG新闻工作, 擅长足球, was co-captain of the 1969 soccer team and was a Varsity Club member. He graduated in 1969 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism.

Updated: 06/09/2020 03:32PM