拉丁程序在 世界语言与文化学系, a part of the 文理学院

刻有拉丁字的石墙, BGSU的拉丁语专业或辅修课程为你打开了通往过去和现在的大门.
  • 小 Available
  • Bachelors Available
  • 小 Available
  • Bachelors Available


的 BGSU 拉丁 major opens the doors to learning about the languages and civilizations of ancient 希腊 and Rome.

从政治到艺术,对很多事情都有现代的看法, athletics, 历史, 法律, literature, philosophy, rhetoric, 社会-来自古希腊和古罗马.

In addition, 学习拉丁语可以扩大你的词汇量, 提高语法能力, 让你成为一个更有效的沟通者.


Learning about another culture through language makes you a more agile, flexible, and powerful thinker. 了解来自其他文化的人们的生活方式, 爱, 战斗, 死亡鼓励你以不同的方式思考,更深入地思考.

此外,了解过去也会给你带来新的视角. Greek and Roman thought, 用古希腊语和拉丁语表达, permeates the modern conception of life and what it means to be human AND many of the most influential works of literature were written in Greek and 拉丁. 的 increased awareness you gain through your study of the 经典 enables you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others so that you can build your future more wisely.

Stand Out in courses like

  • Ancient Greek
  • Ancient Historians
  • Apprentice Teaching
  • Classical Mythology
  • Great Greek Minds
  • Great Roman Minds
  • 拉丁 Literature
  • Medieval Legends
  • Norse Mythology
  • Roman Life
  • 古希腊和古罗马的女性
  • 源自希腊语和拉丁语词根的词的力量

Word Power

粗略估计,在这20个国家中,000个最常见的英语单词, 大约一半来源于拉丁语, 直接或通过法语. And at least 2,000个单词可以追溯到希腊语, putting the total of English vocabulary derived from 拉丁 and Greek at about 60%.

Moreover, at least 90 percent of the specialized vocabulary of the sciences derives from Greek and 拉丁.

文字的力量让你控制文字, 所有话语的基本要素, 使你说得好, read well, and write well.

拉丁 and Life

BGSU offers 拉丁 as a major or minor and is the perfect preparation for jobs that require you to be an effective collaborator, communicator, problem-solver, and thinker. It also prepares you for graduate study in ancient art and archaeology, the 经典, dentistry, 历史, 法律, medicine, or philosophy.

完成主修(或辅修)拉丁文 教育与人类发展学院 证明你具有高中水平的语言教学能力.

BGSU的拉丁语专业强调语言的学习. A separate major in classical civilization is available for a broader background in the cultures of 希腊 and Rome.


完成拉丁2020之后, 相当于高中四年级的拉丁语, you begin your major of twenty-one credits with up to two electives in ancient Greek or Classical Civilization courses. 如果你在高中没有学过拉丁语,你可以得B.A. 通过修拉丁文1010-2020和21个额外学分. 完成学位所需的时间不增加. If interested in learning 拉丁 at an accelerated and intensive pace, 联系古典文学系的老师.

与我们获奖的教师一起学习, pioneering effective new techniques and innovative active learning strategies designed to help you reach a deeper level of learning. 

Classes in 拉丁 take a cultural and reading approach to learning the language, 哪些有助于培养这四种技能:倾听, 说话, reading and writing. 的se core skills are reinforced through vivid examples of readings in 拉丁.

在单词力量课程中学习单词的希腊语和拉丁语词根, 旨在提高你的沟通技巧和词汇量.

Advanced readings are available to delve into particular writers — biographers, historians, novelists, philosophers and poets. Read about the sack of Troy and the doomed 爱 of Queen Dido in Vergil’s 埃涅阿斯记. Study the scandalous careers of the early Roman emperors with Tacitus and Suetonius. Peer through the theatrical masks of comedy and tragedy as you read the dramatic poetry of Plautus and Seneca.

大约90%的法语词汇, 意大利, 西班牙语, Portuguese, 罗马尼亚语和其他罗曼语都来自拉丁语.


Over the course of your working career, you are expected to hold 8-10 different jobs. Today's employers seek to hire those who have learned transferrable skills that are fundamental to your study of 经典 and 拉丁 — collaboration, communication, 发现问题和解决问题. 

拉丁 is excellent preparation for pre-法律, pre-dental and pre-medical programs. It also provides the foundation for graduate work in ancient art and archaeology, ancient 历史, 经典, or philosophy.

当你对世界语言和文化有所了解时, 你将获得一项对当今全球公民至关重要的技能. 当你拿到语言学位毕业的时候, 你可以继续在艺术等不同的领域找到工作, 业务, education, environmental advocacy, government, health and social services, international relations, journalism, 政治, 神学, and translation services. 

同样,学习第二语言也有好处 many neurological benefits. 增强认知灵活性, improved abilities in concentration and focus were found across several studies.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that in 2020 the median salary for graduates of a foreign language degree, including 拉丁, 是54美元,000.  

走得远 in your career

  • Art Historian
  • 作者
  • 牙医
  • 教育家
  • Journalist
  • 律师
  • Museum Curator
  • Physician
  • Publisher



拉丁程序在 世界语言与文化学系, a part of the 文理学院

Study Abroad

的re is no better way to learn the language and customs of another country than to immerse yourself in that culture. All World Languages and Cultures majors are encouraged to participate in a study abroad program. 本系提供奥地利留学机会, 中国, 古巴, 法国, 希腊, 日本, 意大利, 俄罗斯, and Spain.

Learning Communities

BGSU有许多学习社区, which are residence hall arrangements in which students live in proximity with others who share common interests.

Global Village

地球村学习社区 consists of international and American students of all majors who have a sincere interest in meeting and learning about people from other countries and cultures. Residents are paired with students of different cultural backgrounds and share a living space. This unique and dynamic community is fueled by cross-cultural conversation, fun times, 友谊和发现的时刻.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in 拉丁 are expected to:

  • Read, comprehend and comment insightfully and critically on texts in 拉丁;
  • 通过准确解析单词来展示翻译技能, 运用拉丁语和英语的语法和句法知识;
  • 表达对所译作品类型的了解;
  • 应用 critical analysis and interpretive skills to 拉丁 literature and the society that produced it;
  • Engage in rational, civil discourse about complex topics in a manner respectful of others.

州立鲍灵格林大学 [BGSU] is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.  BGSU has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 01/01/1916. 的 most recent reaffirmation of accreditation was received in 2012 - 2013. Questions should be directed to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

拉丁文项目通过了 Program/Cluster Review 在2016-17学年.


州立鲍灵格林大学的课程可以获得执照, 证明和/或背书, whether delivered online, 面对面或混合形式, satisfy the academic requirements for those credentials set forth by the State of Ohio.

Requirements for licensure, 证明和/或背书 eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. 拉丁文课程不会导致专业执照.


* Job placement and salary information was compiled by the Office of Academic Assessment through the Graduation Survey from AY2015-2018. 的 data are gathered around the time of Commencement and a follow-up survey six months post Commencement. For the salary question, data for programs with fewer than fifteen responses are not included. Salaries for those programs are from the National Association of 大学 and Employers Summer 2019 Survey. 如对数据有疑问,请联系 assessment@nbshgold.com.
